What has Mathematics got to do with it: Converting from Inch to Centimeter and Vice-versa

Hello... It has been on my mind to share with you some of the things we take our students through at OOTI, but the time to sit down and blog has to be planned, since I am not a full time blogger (for now). As we introduce our new students to the world of sewing and pattern making, we also introduce them to the basic mathematics of converting from centimeter to inch and vice versa. During the course of the week, as I taught new students on Calibration , I could read the expression on their faces ( Not again, I thought I was done with maths... LOL). The good news is that; it is more about the application of mathematics to what we do :) Now to the topic at hand: Why do we need to do this conversion in the first place? Generally, we at OOTI take measurement on the human body using inch, but we follow some pattern instructions ( Winifred Aldrich ) that makes use of centimeters, thus the need to know how to do the conversion.In between, if you must know, I think in inches...