Dreams do become real... Do the work

Courtesy - http://thejobwindow.com/blog/motivation-monday-lupita-nyongo/ Went to church today, and my Pastor spoke some deep truths about dreams, I could not hold myself, I decided to write and share some of what I got with you Dreams is your raw material for your future. I have a dream, I realise that for me to connect my now to the reality of my dreams, there is work I have to do. Some part of the work, I know to do, a large part I don't know. So, my strategy is to go where I would be equipped with knowledge, pictures that would give me direction towards the realisation of my dreams. The part I know, I daily work with, and I am also teaching those interested, and who are willing to pay for it😊. For me learning every day has become my life style, it comes naturally because, I must get to the reality of my dream. I know how to make well fitting female clothing, this is what I do on a daily basis, alongside my team. Would you like to learn how we do this? Register...