What a I doing on my Goals?

Wow!!! We are 3 days to the end of February 2019, and the question I ask myself is "How well have I worked on achieving my goals". And as an organisation that have a goal to teach sewing and pattern drafting skills, we have goals on how many persons we would love to take our course. Out doing ourselves in accomplishing this goal, do have mouthwatering results. The truth is that a goal without action plan for accomplishment is wishful thinking. What is holding you back from accomplishing your sewing and pattern making goals? Identifying this would help you identify your next course of action. If you have no knowledge, and you would love to gain knowledge, look no further. We would teach you in a timely and efficient manner. Learn about our course offering here . Starter Course begins on the third week of March. Limited slots are available so quickly make your decision today.