Summer Fashion Course for Young Adult....Loading

God is good, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity I had to learn how to sew at a young age, I was about 12 years.

I remember wanting to work during secondary school holidays, but I dare not tell my Dad that, cos I knew he would not allow me. My fascination about how a garment is produced did not allow my introverted self to keep quiet about wanting to learn, this began my journey, and I am still loving it

Today, I don't do a lot of sewing even though I enjoy it, but the knowledge I have continously acquired as relates garment production dictates a lot of things we do at Osas Olumese.

And I am forever grateful for my early start.

You too can have an early start with the Summer Fashion School for young adults that would span a period of 5 weeks starting on Monday, 8th August, 2016.

More information  coming soon.



Foundations to Sewing and Pattern Drafting Course - women's wear

Pattern Drafting Versus Free Hand Cutting

Register Now! New Stream of Basic starts on Tuesday, 23rd September 2014.