FAQ: Can I really Learn to Sew and Pattern Draft in Two Months?

Can I learn confidence in two(2) months?

This should be the actual question asked.

The truth is this, the principles of sewing and pattern drafting are simple, but they may not be properly communicated to the learner. As a result, the learner learns by self interpretation of what has been observed.

Principles which have been communicated to a learner properly, needs  practice time to be mastered.

But a of time long practice time does not necessarily mean mastery, as mastery time may be elongated by lack of confidence.

I remember when I started pattern drafting, in following the instruction, I would read and re-read instructions, I would compute, and compute again to avoid mistakes, I would compare pattern instructions... not sure of which would work.... These I realized latter on, were time wasters... though  these actions made me more in touch with pattern drafting.

I had to take the risk of being incorrect, making use of the pattern to cut the fabric (testing the pattern), observing for fit issues, and use the knowledge gained to tweak the instructions used.

In learning, you may need to unlearn what you knew before, and learn something new. The struggle with yourself may take time, but that struggle has to be won, to appreciate your new knowledge.

Yes, you can learn how to sew and pattern draft in eight(8) weeks, following a laid down structure, but gaining confidence is up to you. You would have to take risk.

At Osas Olumese Training Institute OOTI, we teach how to Sew and Pattern Draft in Two(2) months. Find out more about our courses here.


  1. Before this write up, I got a mail from Hey Jessica... with the subject "You cant be confident if you don't try".

    I think these words reaffirm the need for practice in improving confidence.


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