Strong Women: Women as the Biggest Challenge to Female Entrepreneur

Some time in October, I was informed that I would be amongst the panelist in a conversation at a women's conference. In November I got the topic, but I struggled with it as I had my reservations about the topic. I talked to people to give me ideas, but still yet, nothing , so I decided to play with the thoughts coming to my mind using words, and I was able to draft out the framework I used.

I must commend the organizers of the event... it was their first and it was.... wow!!! They have set a standard for women event in Kano.. no infact Northern Nigeria... the team spirit was something beautiful... Kudos Ladies

If you would love to see pictures, follow @strongwomen4u on instagram 

A strong woman does not just happen, the phase is characterized by consistent action to be that person. There are many challenges facing the female entrepreneur, but today, the challenge we would be looking at is “women”.

I smiled when I heard of this topic, and I tried relating it with the system that has convened us (Strong Women).

Challenge is relative, and for a Strong Woman, challenges are learning opportunities. Succeeding as an entrepreneur takes more from women than it does from men. You have to be determined, pay deaf ears to the norms and be ready to walk through your journey with your head held high, not ready to accept anything less than a breakthrough. A lot of people do not take women who run businesses serious in contrast to their male counterparts. A large majority will agree that the entrepreneurship plans of women are considered as frivolous/hobby at the first instinct.

Challenge is relative, and for a Strong Woman, challenges are learning opportunities

In business, we meet different kinds of people with different temperament, exposure, and experience, all these summed up will determine how such people will relate with businesses with which they interact.

A strong woman interacts with businesses, coming from the point of strength, not forgetting her temperament, exposure and experience.

A strong woman understands what it takes to build anything; business not being left out, she understands what the everyday woman faces. She, wanting to enjoy the benefits a female entrepreneur proposes, through the vehicle of a business, comes with positivity to enjoy such benefits, and if there is any deviation from the projected business preposition, she gives constructive criticism. This will further grow the business and strengthen the woman (strong woman).
Strong women are not shaken by the pursuit of other female entrepreneurs, as they understand the difference; they bring to the market place. They are confident in what they bring to the table. When they are not sure, they are not ashamed to ask questions from other strong women, or seek knowledge from institutions.

Strong women, as a result of their experience are not afraid to share their knowledge and secret of the trade. It takes real strength to do this, knowing that this action may threaten her business. The strength of a woman is not foolishness, she takes risk, which may sometimes have positive or sometimes negative result. Negative result does not stop a strong woman from spreading positivity.
A strong woman does have weak points in her life, when she does not feel like taking any positive action. She can be affected by others negativity; in those times, she may decide to be calm, or act out her frustrations. But because her actions of strength has become a habit, she is quick to jack back from her low state.

A strong woman realizes that “one is too small a number to achieve greatness”- John Maxwell, so she surrounds herself with other strong women as mentors, in whom she gets built up when she is in a low state. You are your greatest motivator. But having an experienced entrepreneur as a mentor would really go a long way in averting many business mistakes. Business is all about decision-making, and having someone who has made many decisions and succeeded while doing so is worth having close.

I think the topic: “Women as the biggest challenge to female entrepreneurs” is more about a connection and support system challenge amongst female entrepreneurs. The truth is this:  no one can give you support when they are not confident in their own business structure or when they have not grown their mind beyond their existing business structure. This raises the question, “how can the confidence of female entrepreneurs be boosted?”

Female entrepreneurs should have a clear winning attitude, create a platform of a diverse workspace, give women opportunities and support their growth in different ways, which include mentoring. They should be more solution-oriented rather than defensive or apologetic.

In my own little time as a business woman, I have had little challenges from other women; I have felt envy, jealousy, threat to my business, even depression! I had mind battles that resulted in severe headaches. I was ashamed of voicing out these feelings. I had to analyze the situation. I asked myself if I would survive years in business with sure negative emotion, because I did not want to be that negative person.

I have grown to understand that people always come and go, but my decision to grow consistently in the direction of my chosen path is key to remaining relevant in the entrepreneurial scene. I also remember that no one else have the same experience, exposure and temperament combination as me.

I am a strong woman.


What is your take on the topic?
Please share in the comment box.

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