100 Children's wear

It is becoming tangible.

We have talked, and talked about it, and at a point it just made sense to keep quiet. We have put different strategies in place. We did start work on it... and at a point, the dots were not connecting...

The time has come.
We refused to keep quiet
We refused to stop totally, when that was what made sense.
Children's Clothing

We are here now. We can just touch it.

P R O J E C T  S M I L E.

As at the last count early in January, we had made 75 garments for the children. WOW!!!

Although we have not counted since then, we have produced more,
We have had interest from other Fashion Houses around Kano, who are working on clothes for the children, some have even brought in their makes. It is now so exciting.

We have decided to make the smile bigger, by sending out request for partnership to other organisations. We hope they would contribute household consumables, toiletries, and so on, to make the visit memorable. Even if they do not receive any partnership (this is already late, as a result of the ones we have already received), we are grateful for the dedication and keeping at it... I cant wait for the D-day.

If you would still love to be a part of this project, we would love to have you join.

Call Kelechi on 08119442644


Project Smile is an initiative of Osas Olumese Training Institute (OOTI), Kano. Gifting children, with clothes made by her students. This is the first step in the execution of the project, and we are working towards making it a frequent one, joining force with individuals and corporations.



Foundations to Sewing and Pattern Drafting Course - women's wear

Pattern Drafting Versus Free Hand Cutting

Register Now! New Stream of Basic starts on Tuesday, 23rd September 2014.