Hopeful May

What you feel, is a choice for you to make.

At this times, we have chosen to be hopeful, ...  smiling through it all.

Its a new month, and God is good.

Its been a while since we last posted on the blog, but we sure can still talk about the ongoing events.

Osas Olumese Training Institute, Kano has been closed since the lock down began here in Kano State, about two week ago, due to COVID-19. This means that we have not been engaging in any business activities.... we haven't been training students in the science and art of sewing and pattern drafting.

Although we miss all the busy-ness at the office, we choose to see the silver lining. 

It has been a time of going back to the drawing board to think out new, improved and better ways to serve our students better.

If at all we downplayed online sewing and pattern drafting classes, as never before, this season has made obvious the need.

Although we would still have physical classes after the lockdown, we would embrace online platforms more in delivering our service.

We are in the season of Fasting (Ramadan Kareem). 

Our prayer here at OOTI is that God heals our land, and restore us to that place, where we are not afraid to be in close proximity with a neighbor, nor to touch our face.Where our love for each other can be without fear (of a virus being spread) expressed by physical contact.


We hope we would have you take one or more of our courses in the cause of 2020.

Be intentional about the results you want to see this month.

Love Always,
From all of us at OOTIKano



Foundations to Sewing and Pattern Drafting Course - women's wear

Pattern Drafting Versus Free Hand Cutting

Register Now! New Stream of Basic starts on Tuesday, 23rd September 2014.