Learn How to Sew: My Journey - Part 2

 My vocabulary about sewing was increasing, and I had more things to ask google.

I continuously found articles on the internet that spoke to me, and my quest to learn, also kept increasing.

Fast forward to when I finished my first degree; B. Eng. Computer Engineering. The next stop was NYSC. I knew the time had come to learn pattern drafting, and Lagos (I felt) was the go to place.

So I worked my NYSC posting to Lagos.


I got posted to Lagos – YAY!!!

Knowing that I would be there for One-year, put me into action … finding a school that taught pattern drafting as it relates to sewing womenswear. I also made it a point of duty to attend seminars and workshops regarding fashion, business, creativity, and so on.

During my NYSC, I also interned in a Fashion House.

This introverted girl was not taking chances (LOL).


Since then, I have come a long way, and my excitement to learn about sewing, pattern drafting, and garment production has not dwindled.

I founded Osas Olumese Training Institute (OOTI), to help teach new entrants into the fashion industry on how to sew and pattern draft for women's wear.

A lot of times, I look back at my journey, and wonder about my speed -if I had the opportunity, of the structure being offered at OOTI – what would my now be?

Our curriculum, have gone through changes over the years, and we are here now. Everything has been structured and strategically placed, to help grow a beginner to an expert, in a timely manner.


We accept students according to our capacity and our schedule for the year.

We are opening up a new session soon – this is not for unserious people.

Although fashion has its glamorous side, we are involved with the work side, behind the glamour.

If you would love to be a part of the session coming up in April, then note this.

We offer three (3) options for learning, they are;

Week day classes        (Mondays – Wednesdays 9:00AM – 3:30PM)

Evening classes           (Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays 4:00PM – 7:00PM)

Saturday classes          (Saturdays 11:30AM – 3:30 PM)


We have Limited slots in this session, and its options.

Only the Foundation Course is opened for registration.

Details of the class are sent via whatsApp, on request.

To get the details send us a whatsApp chat on 08127008535 or use the QR code below

Once the available slots are taken, registration would be closed until the next session in June.


Here is what some of our previous participant have to say about our teaching style.



Foundations to Sewing and Pattern Drafting Course - women's wear

Pattern Drafting Versus Free Hand Cutting

Register Now! New Stream of Basic starts on Tuesday, 23rd September 2014.