Fashion School Curriculum - Change

Change is the only constant thing. 

Fashion School curriculum, Change

If you are doing anything that stops yielding the  expected result... change it.

We have come a long way as a Fashion School in the city of Kano Nigeria, and this has come with various change. At every phase of our growth, we have ensured that we gave our best at that level.

Our change over time as been born out of various change in requirement.

Let me talk about this change.

Although I - Osamudiame, did not see this coming when the year began, but as the year progressed, my thoughts, and requests from prospective students, spurred me to take the step in changing our curriculum again.

You must understand that our curriculum is drafted with our students in mind, and the results we would love them to have... also considering time. 

Yes, time is very important, to both us and the student.

 In this social media age, when we are quick to share our wins and a few times failures, we understand that the quicker it is for our students to achieve wins, the faster word gets out about what we do. So we rearranged the curriculum, so that achievement (with regards to finished garment) comes early. This motivates the student, who is energized to do more, and also motivates the facilitator, and the best part is that we get wins to showcase on social media.

Osas Olumese Training Institute

For any business, profit making is key. The faster the turnaround period, the more the profit grows. We realized that with our short courses, a number of students drop off, after a course.. and this is not good for us, as we need them to do more courses, and get bigger results, but for some reasons, we had a number of students stop at the Foundation Course in Sewing and Pattern Drafting. So, in other to grow a more grounded Fashion Designer, we knew we had to give more value- this implies that more time is needed; as a result we merged our previously five (5) courses into two (2) courses; thus increasing the value per course, and the learning time span.

A number of times, when people come in for enquiry, they wondered at our time frame for our courses - if they would learn. Although they get surprised when they join, as they find out that they learn (if I may add, beyond their imagination... within the time frame), with our structured approach, we thought it wise to increase our time frame, and this we have done.

With this new curriculum for the Osas Olumese Training Institute, we would:

  • Have more time with our students
  • Impacted them with more value
  • Have more proof of our process, especially with picture for social media.
  • Create a more lasting connection with our students.

We are now taking in students, who would be taught in line with this repackage curriculum. We are excited for everyone who would be joining us in this month of June , as they would enjoy this curriculum, packaged, with so much love.

Would the curriculum be repackaged again. Yes, for sure.

But for now we have put in our very best to this new package, and we are excited about it.

Would you be joining us for the June Session.

Registration has begun for the Sewing and Pattern Drafting Course -Womenswear. Limited slot available.

Fashion School curriculum, Change

To learn more about the Course, click here.

For enquiry, call or send a WhatsApp message to 08127008535.

I look forward to meet with you.




Foundations to Sewing and Pattern Drafting Course - women's wear

Pattern Drafting Versus Free Hand Cutting

Register Now! New Stream of Basic starts on Tuesday, 23rd September 2014.