Review the First Half of the Year

Happy New Month It is July, the first month in the second quater of the year. It is also the birth month of our Chief Facilitator Osamudiame Olumese. Asides from all these exciting things, it is an opportunity to review the first half of the year. Have you grown in your skill? Did you even make an effort to grow? How was business in the first half? Did you hit your target, did you even have a target? Today is the fsecond day of the new half, and you can and should do a review. Set targets for the quarter. Write these targets down. We at Osas Olumese Training Institute, are excited about the many new things that would be taking place, through the vehicle of the Fashion School. We would be starting a new session for our Bodice Course (evening class) starts today, Monday 2nd July Starter Course: Skirt (evening class) Monday, 16th July Starter Course: Skirt (weekday class) Monday, 23rd July. If one of your goals for the year is to learn how ...