Fashion Internship: Awkward

Most intentional relationship start with awkwardness, and as the relationship begins to change level, there is that awkward again. To make the most of any relationship, relationship building activities must (no matter the awkwardness) be adhered to . With time, the awkwardness dies a natural death. I have discovered, that anytime new people begin a new relationship with our business, I go through this awkward phase with them, before we start getting used to each other. (Am I the only person who have felt this way?... Please share with us your awkward moments in the comment box). For a fashion intern, the above case is true, especially in a business where the structure around internship is undefined (I must say this is true for a lot of fashion businesses) You must never forget your goal, which is to learn as much as you can in the time available. And to do this, you must be willing to interact with the persons doing the work you want to learn... Ther...