My Biscuit Story: What Pattern Making got to do with it

Happy Sunday people, It seems I am having fun typing away. I hope this continues, so I can load this blog with so much of my musings about FASHION of course. So today, I went to the market after service (please don't judge me)... guilty conscience . I then decided to get myself my current favorite biscuit... Igloo Coconut Cookies. As I pointed it to the biscuit to the seller, a lady I met there told me about this NEW biscuit, I should try... OK. I left what I had in mind to buy, and got myself this NEW biscuit. As soon as I had the opportunity, I opened the biscuit to enjoy it. It was nice, but to me, it did not measure up to Igloo Coconut Cookies... my opinion My point here is after getting the information from the lady, I decided to take a risk, and try. As the saying goes "The proof of the pudding is in the eating". Confidence can only be built when to you step out on your own. Look at a child learning to walk... He takes a step, falls down, stands, a...