
Showing posts with the label 2020

2020 is not yet over !!!

It pains me when I hear people talk about 2021, without considering the remaining days of 2020. What about the next minute⏰, or even the next second. As I type this, I am excited about the remaining days of this year, and I feel like shaking everyone around me to get them excited too. As I have gown older, the words of David, in the Bible, seem to sink "better" into my consciousness So  teach  us to  number  our  days , that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. This is very important and cannot be over-emphasized. If you have already signed out of 2020, but you are only waiting for the dates to actually change, do rethink, and think hard. I am not spelling doom for 2021, but, you really haven't experienced the year yet. I am of the opinion that the year will take a better course, if you enter into it...running. Having said that, my question for you is  this... What have you done on that goal you set; 'to learn how to sew, and cut well, so you always have consistently

Saving Time on the Sewing Machine

What a blog post title for the first post of the year... I thought about it too, but since I have an already  documented post, it can as well be the first for 2020. Happy New Year to you. Thank you for making 2019 count for us, Lets together make 2020 outstanding. New year 2020 Back to the crust of today's post Basically this post is about churning out well made clothes in short time frame. I had to force myself to think about this, as my work load grew. Although I can delegate things to get done, I am yet to grow past the feeling that I get it done it better. Don’t judge me, I will grow out of this. I must, to scale... my brand . Back to the point of this blog post… so when I need to get more done in a short period of time, what I do is... division of labour (thankful for that topic in economics). I do have apprentice that I may not be comfortable giving them the whole garment to do, but I trust their ironing skill, straight line sewing skill,