2020 is not yet over !!!

It pains me when I hear people talk about 2021, without considering the remaining days of 2020. What about the next minute⏰, or even the next second. As I type this, I am excited about the remaining days of this year, and I feel like shaking everyone around me to get them excited too. As I have gown older, the words of David, in the Bible, seem to sink "better" into my consciousness So teach us to number our days , that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. This is very important and cannot be over-emphasized. If you have already signed out of 2020, but you are only waiting for the dates to actually change, do rethink, and think hard. I am not spelling doom for 2021, but, you really haven't experienced the year yet. I am of the opinion that the year will take a better course, if you enter into it...running. Having said that, my question for you is this... What have you done on that goal you set; 'to learn how to sew, and cut well, so you always have co...