Subtle Change in Curriculum

It is a good day. Excited about this year, and we are not afraid to make changes... Just to ensure you get the best of our service. This change is needed, due to observations from the past. We are splitting the Starter Course-Skirt into two parts.... This change is necessary, as we observed that some novice to sewing (some maybe with a little experience, or some forms of online learning, with little or no practical experience), come to us, preferring to start at the bodice class. Although, when we receive inquiries, we explain, what each class entail. It seems, it is not well understood, or the prospect is trying to reduce cost, thus opting out from the class which should be his or her foundation and benefit. This results in branching outside the curriculum, when we find out that students who ought to be grounded in certain basics, find it had to understand or execute simple task.... thus increasing the time frame for the cou...